传感器进入汽车制造业行业 对于功率电感式传感器,大家都不会陌生,是用于近距离定位金属物体的通用方式。因为主要是通过霍尔效应来完成检测,所以也称为霍尔传感器。 其内部结构由两部分构成:前端由缠绕着发射、接收线圈的铁芯构成检测部
The DS90C187 is a Low Power Serializer for portable battery powered application that reduces the size of the RGB interface between the host GPU and the Display.
The DS90C187 Serializer is designed to support dual pixel data transmission between Host and Flat Panel Display up to QXGA 2048x1536@60Hz resolutions. The transmitter converts up to 48 bits (Dual Pixel 24 bit color) of 1.8V LVCMOS data into two channels of 4 data + clock (4D+C) reduced width interface LVDS compatible data streams.
DS90C187 supports 3 modes of operation. In single pixel mode in/out mode, the device can drive up to SXGA+ 1400x1050@60Hz. In this mode, the device converts one bank of 24 bit RGB data to one channel of 4D+C LVDS data stream. In single pixel in / dual pixel out mode, the device can drive up to WUXGA+ 1920x1440@60Hz. In this configuration,the device provides single-to-dual pixel conversion and converts one bank of 24 bit RGB data into two channels of 4D +C LVDS streams at half the pixel clock rate. In dual pixel in /dual pixel out mode, the device can drive up to QXGA 2048x1536@60Hz or up to QSXGA 2560x2048@30Hz. In this mode, the device converts 2 channels of 24 bit RGB data into 2 channels of 4D+C LVDS streams. For all the modes, the device supports 18bpp and 24bpp color.
The DS90C187 is offered in a small 92 pin dual row QFN package and features single 1.8V supply for minimal power dissipation.
■ 100 mW typical power consumption at 185 MHz (SIDO mode)
■ Drives QXGA/WQXGA class displays
■ Three operating modes:
— Single Pixel In / Single Pixel Out (SISO), 105 MHz max
Single Pixel In / Dual Pixel Out (SIDO), 185 MHz
— Dual Pixel In / Dual Pixel Out (DIDO), 105 MHz
■ Supports 24 bit RGB, 48 bit RGB
■ Optional low power mode supports 18 bit RGB, 36 bit RGB
■ Supports 3D+C, 4D+C, 6D+C, 6D+2C, 8D+C, and 8D+2C LVDS configurations
■ Compatible with FPD-Link, and FlatLink Deserializers
■ 1.8V VDDIO & Core Supply
■ Interfaces directly with 1.8V LVCMOS
■ Less than 1mW power consumption in Sleep Mode
■ Spread Spectrum Clock Compatible
■ Small 7mm x 7mm x 0.9 mm 92–pin dual row QFN package
■ Media Tablet Devices
■ eBook / Notebooks / Laptops
■ Portable Display Monitors
图1. DS90C187并串转换器方框图:单象素进/单象素出(SISO)
图2. DS90C187并串转换器方框图:单象素进/双象素出(SIDO)
图3. DS90C187并串转换器方框图:双象素进/双象素出(DIDO)
图4. DS90C187单象素进/双象素出(SIDO)模式应用电路
Tablet and eBook System Diagram
Texas Instruments (TI) offers a variety of semiconductor solutions for tablets and eBooks. The OMAP™ processor shown in the system diagram perfectly balances power and performance to give designers and end users an optimal multimedia solution. Also available are microprocessors from the Sitara™ ARM?Cortex?-A8 portfolio of microprocessors. In addition to processor technology, TI has invested in an extensive array of solutions for tablets and eBooks that support wireless connectivity, video, audio and power management. The selection guide on the following page is a sampling of TI devices available to streamline your design process.
The Texas Instruments C187EVK01 evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate the performance of the DS90C187 Low Power 1.8V Dual Pixel FPD-Link (LVDS) Serializer. The device operates off of a single 1.8V supply and supports input pixel clocks from 50 MHz to 185 MHz (Single In Dual Out) or 25 MHz to 105 MHz (Single/Dual In Single/Dual Out).
100 mW typical power consumption at 185 MHz (SIDO mode)
Drives QXGA/WQXGA class displays
Three operating modes:
Single Pixel In/Single Pixel Out (SISO), 105 MHz max
Single Pixel In/Dual Pixel Out (SIDO), 185 MHz
Dual Pixel In / Dual Pixel Out (DIDO), 105 MHz
Supports 24 bit RGB, 48 bit RGB
Optional low power mode supports 18 bit RGB, 36 bit RGB
1. 临界连续特征Boost功率开关零电流导通,功率电感电流线性上升。当峰值电流达到跟踪的参考电流(正弦波)时开关关断,电感电流线性下降。当电感电流下降到零时,开关再次导通。如果完全跟踪正弦波,根据...